As Rabbi Kushner points out, Abraham and others were asked to leave
everything familiar to them behind and to go to a new land that God would show
them (Genesis 12:1). Through this practice, we too are asked to leave behind our
narrow field of vision, our preconceived notions and ideas, and open our eyes to
see anew.

According to classical Hasidism, the power of the Creator resides within each
created thing. Hasidism tells us that our only role is to live in awe, to become
aware of the Divine in everything. Through the practice of awe, everyday
experiences transform into mystical, spiritual experiences. To simply see things
differently is to feel the presence of the Divine in everything. To feel close to
Spirit right now, right here, and in the next moment and the next place as well.
No special time or place is needed for this practice. You are ready to engage
in this practice in this moment or any moment of your choosing. There is one key
to practicing awe: the conscious choice to go beyond the reality that meets the
eye. To practice awe is to practice seeing God in everything to shift your
perception to look more closely and discover the hidden layers of holiness and
meaning beneath what is apparent to realize the connection between all things
to understand our relatedness to each other and to God to melt the barriers of
separation. When we see another person, we strive to see the Divine in them.
When we are in nature, we look closer and see the presence of the Creator. But
not only in the beauty of nature when we look at our computer, at a building, at
the garbage, we look deeper to discover the presence of the Source there as
well. We experience the Presence in all the events of our lives, knowing that
everything that occurs can occur only within the Divine Plan.
When you come to a place that seems outside of God’s realm, too
coarse for light to enter, and you want to run away…
Know that there is no place outside of God, and rejoice in your task of
uncovering Him there.


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