Ignite and unite the truth of who you are – LOVE.
Communicate people’s value and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.
Love is a place inside of you and is also greater than you. Love is within you and beyond you. Love is more-than-enoughness.
Yes! You are enough.
You were made with love, in love, through love, by love, and as love. Love is the nature of the universe and Reality. Love is who you are.
You are Love!
Your well-being and my well-being are one being, Interbeing. Love is Interbeing constantly communicating union and the —eternal outpouring without stopping— givenness of Reality.
You are loved!
Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy.
You came forth from God. Your deepest DNA is divine. You were born from love, with love, in love, through love, by love and AS love. You are Love! You are Loved. Love is the nature of Reality. Love is the nature of Being.
You are enough
Tu eres suficiente
Don’t give up
You are not alone
Your mistakes don’t define you
You matter
It’s not too late
One day at a time
Help spread the word. $15 donations. Choose your sign(s).
“YOU ARE LOVED” is printed on the back of each sign.
Thank you for supporting our Wellspring ministry.
Call 256-886-8480