is a podcast community gathering where we encounter, discover, create, and transform among diverse religious and spiritual perspectives.
You are me, and I am you. Isn’t it obvious that we InterAre.
I support you. You support me. We Coalesce.
The fact that we InterAre is the great awakening for the Earth to be saved.
Coalesce offers community building through sacred listening, abiding in relationship, both/and thinking, heart wisdom, and the common good arising in dialogue.
We can love with our whole heart, soul, mind, body, and abundance. We can love our neighbor as our self. We move beyond mere tolerance, beyond acceptance, beyond coexist, and into essence, valuing, and coalesce…interbeing.
To coalesce neighbor and self, subject to subject, essence to essence, is to coalesce heart, soul, mind, body, and abundance. Coalescing heart (courage), soul (essence), mind (consciousness/intention), body (solidarity), and strength (abundance) we transcend separateness into union.
May we see with the eyes of our heart
May we love one another with peace and compassion
May all beings come to know the Divine presence within…
This is Coalesce:
Radical Love
Lavish Generosity
Extravagant Forgiveness
Inclusive Hospitality
Compassionate Action
Selfless Service
A Passion for Justice
Creative Nonviolence
Simple Living
The PodCast will be available on PodBean and this page (Click Here).