As we walk through this world, there is an undeniable sense that something deeper stirs within us. We are more than just the superficial reactions, thoughts and speech that make up our daily existence. Beneath that surface level, vaster realms of being beckon to be explored and awakened.

We cannot ignore the unconscious currents that seem to upwell from a primordial source, bringing with them urges and impulses that can disrupt the neatly ordered constructs of our minds. These are not just individual phenomena, but connections to the ancient rhythm of life itself coursing through our veins. At times we may feel like helpless flotsam adrift on these tides of the collective psyche. Yet perhaps they are invitations to dive inward and discover what mighty energies lie behind the seeming randomness.

As we heed that call to journey deeper, we come face to face with the core of our own souls. This is a plane of authenticity where no falsehood can persist, a nexus point joining us to the eternal. The mystics of old intuited this ground of being, whispering that even before we took on these mortal forms, our souls dwelled with the Divine. Could it be that the answers to life’s depths are not found outwardly, but rather through recollecting that primeval oneness?

In these spiritual spaces, we seem to encounter Something sacred beyond words – a Presence that is simultaneously the most intimate part of our individual selves and the very Source pervading all of existence. Whether we call it God, Tao, Brahman or Truth, this is the revitalizing essence that allows any darkness to blossom into light. When we make contact with it, we are infused with a primordial courage beyond limited circumstances.

Tragic indeed if we turn our backs on such wholeness offered within! For in these bodies and this cosmic moment, we carry the potential to be lamps through which the Eternal slakes Its thirst for embodied manifestation. Let us then nourish this most precious flame, plumbing the depths until love itself pours through our very being. In those moments, we become cleansed, renewed, overflowing conduits for grace to fill this world in desperate need of that radiance.


The text discusses important aspects of the inner life and methods for renewing our inner springs. It notes that fear is allowing diabolical forces to undermine human dignity across America and the world. There is a superficial layer involving reactions, speech, and thought processes dealing with problems. We can positively shape our inner quality and flavor by feeding our minds with uplifting thoughts and ideas. At a deeper unconscious layer lies a vast continuum connected to primal drives and the upward push of life. Even deeper exists the human spirit, where one’s own soul resides – the ground not just of the eternal but of the internal authentic self, akin to the idea of souls existing with God before birth. Love and being cared for are vital for healing distressed minds and souls. One must go deep within to find this authentic soul where only truth can abide. When the God within connects with the God of life, one gains a courage that can turn any darkness into light.

Key Points

1. Fear is sweeping across America and the world, allowing diabolical forces to take hold against human dignity.

2. There is a superficial layer of our being involving reactions, speech, and thought processes dealing with problems.

3. We can feed our minds with thoughts and ideas that positively shape our inner quality and flavor.

4. There is a deeper unconscious layer, a vast continuum connected to primal drives and the upward push of life.

5. At an even deeper level is the human spirit, where God moves without disguise, akin to the idea of souls existing with God before birth.

6. The ground of the human spirit is not just the eternal, but the internal – one’s own soul.

7. Love and being cared for are vital for healing distressed minds and souls.

8. One must go deep within to find one’s authentic soul, where only truth can abide.

9. When the God within connects with the God of life, one gains a courage that can turn any darkness into light.

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