Letting Go into God
Letting Go into God It is said that Francis’ great prayer, which he would spend whole nights praying, is “Who are you, God? And who am I?” Contemplative prayer helps us ...
Living in the Flow
Living in the Flow By being observant of your own emotional life and perhaps getting in touch with your own unconscious, you might become aware of your psychological blockages to experiencing ...
The Sacred Heart
The Sacred Heart As a Catholic, Richard Rohr was often puzzled by the continued return to heart imagery among our saints and in our art. The “Sacred Heart” of Jesus and ...
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina Lectio divina is a contemplative way to read short passages of sacred text. With the first reading, listen with your heart’s ear for a phrase or word that stands out for you. ...
Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer This is what you are to do. Lift your heart up to the Lord with a gentle stirring of love, desiring him for his own sake and not for ...
A great way to pray is to look for God’s presence in your life. More than 400 years ago St. Ignatius Loyola encouraged prayer-filled mindfulness by proposing what has been called ...
Centering Prayer
“Prayer is not a request for God’s favours…Genuine prayer is based on recognising the Origin of all that exists, and opening ourselves to it.” ~Cynthia Bourgeault CENTERING PRAYER: THE VERY BASICS ...
The best way in which a Christian can interpret Scripture is to do so as Jesus did! It almost sounds too simple, doesn’t it? Yet, ironically, this has not been the ...
Lectio Divina
Lectio divina (Latin for sacred reading) is a contemplative way of reading and praying with Scripture. Rather than trying to rationally understand a static text, this practice helps us be present ...
Practice Right Now
Each moment of daily life is an opportunity to arrive in the present moment. Gathas are short verses that we can recite during daily activities to help us return to the ...
Be Mindful in Daily Life
Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. It is the continuous practice of touching life deeply in every moment of daily life. To be mindful ...
Practice: Childlike Sincerity
We have each had a taste of nondual consciousness: the face of our beloved, a child at play, the sound of running water, the intimacy of darkness in the middle of ...
Practice: Contemplating the Cosmos
The universe is not a tragic expression of meaningless chaos, but a marvelous display of an orderly cosmos. —Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. Barbara Holmes suggests that the emerging story of ...
The Welcoming Practice
The Welcoming Practice created by Mary Mrozowski (1925–1993), a spiritual teacher, mystic, and founding member of Contemplative Outreach. It is based on her personal experience of surrender as essential to transformation ...
Practice: Do No Harm
Ruth King is a Buddhist teacher and founder of Mindful Members Meditation Community in Charlotte, North Carolina. In Buddhism, mysticism is defined differently than it is in Christian context, but it ...