Welcome to Contemplative Interbeing’s Wisdom Wednesday. Wisdom Wednesday is recorded live on Crowdcast. We invite all podcast and YouTube listeners to join us LIVE each Wednesday at 6pm Central on Crowdcast. Whether you are here for the live session or enjoying the recording, Thank you!

What is wisdom ?
Wisdom is not knowing more, but knowing with more of you, knowing deeper: Wisdom Wednesday is an invitation to open to the depths of your self, your intellect, will, emotion, senses, images, aesthetics, and epiphanies. Yes, open to the ground of wisdom, which is the transformation of human consciousness and the heart.

Adapted from the following:

Catherine T. Nerney, The Compassion Connection

Chanequa Walker-Barnes, Sacred Self-Care

Geiko Müller-Fahrenholz, Turn to the God of Mercy

Ilia Delio, Compassion

Jacqui Lewis, Fierce Love

Joyce Rupp, Boundless Compassion

Judy Cannato, Field of Compassion

Richard Rohr, Creating a Community of Compassion;
Eager to Love;
Near Occasions of Grace;
The Universal Christ