Nonviolence doesn’t just mean not doing violence; it’s also a way of taking positive action to resist oppression or bring about change. The aim of non-violent conflict is to convert your opponent; to win over their mind and heart and persuade them that your point of view is right. An important element is often to make sure that the opponent is given a face-saving way of changing their mind. Non-violent protest seeks a ‘win-win’ solution whenever possible. In non-violent conflict the participant does not want to make their opponent suffer; instead they show that they are willing to suffer themselves in order to bring about change. Non-violence has great appeal because it removes the illogicality of trying to make the world a less violent and more just place by using violence as a tool. Among the techniques of non-violent protest are: peaceful demonstrations, sit-ins, picketing, holding vigils, fasting and hunger strikes, strikes, blockades, and civil disobedience. Nonviolence workshop are available in half-day, one day, two day, and twelve 3-hour sessions.


Explores the dynamics of violence and nonviolence, the nonviolent life, nonviolent communication and actively creating social change.

An in-depth exploration of nonviolent living for personal, interpersonal and social change.

Our free on-line class “Living NonViolence” is a six-session video study with John Dear, the founder of Pace E Bene and Campaign NonViolence.

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