Wellspring Center for Spiritual Wholeness
is a small group gathering to support your spiritual growth.

…a wellspring inside of you, welling up into limitless life. John 4:14

No matter your religious leanings, there’s something undeniably healing about breaking away from daily routines and listening inward. No doubt we all need a break now and then from the constant barrage of information and media that bombards us. We all need a time out from the daily routine and the everyday decision making. Make plans now to take a break in the sacred space of Wellspring where you can pause and tune-in to divine love, where deep calls unto deep.

We are a community of people devoted to expanding our consciousness, for the welfare of all beings, and holding space for spiritual growth.

Wellspring welcomes everyone seeking a more authentic life.
Live with more gentleness, hope, and meaning.
Live with optimum peace and passion.
Love and thrive with greater awareness.
Know yourself as an inseparable part of the Divine.

Compassion * Community * Contemplation

Reflect * Renew * Reconnect * Rejoice

Encounter, discover, create, and synthesize a new awareness of intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence.

Self Discovery:

  • Sometimes we lose sight and forget or get stuck.

Self Acceptance:

  • We often forget to practice self-compassion. The path to spiritual growth starts with loving-kindness and self-acceptance.

Self Awareness:

  • Let Wellspring teach you steps to self-awareness.

Spiritual Practice:

  • Do you have a spiritual practice? We often underestimate the value of spiritual practice.

If you’re need of a spiritual tune-in, Wellspring retreats are the best way to maximize your heart and time. Embark on an amazing spiritual journey of self-discovery, transformation, personal growth and self-awareness with Wellspring Retreats!

The words of a person’s mouth are deep waters; the wellspring of wisdom is a flowing brook. Proverbs 18:4

Understanding is a wellspring of life to him who has it. Proverbs 16:22

Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23

The water that I shall give you will turn into a wellspring inside of you, welling up into limitless life. John 4:14

All are welcome to join Wellspring on Crowdcast. Wellspring is dedicated to spiritual development that fosters personal empowerment in a safe, open-hearted environment. Please contact us if you would like to have a small group meeting in your area. Message us on Facebook or email admin@ContemplativeInterbeing.org.

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