This is a work in progress and not a comprehensive list. Contemplative Interbeing hopes that this will serve as a resource to identify many of the leading experts and lead to wider connections.
Karen Armstrong
Charter for Compassion (organization)
Ed Bastian (Buddhist)
Interspiritual Meditation (book)
Adam Bucko
The New Monasticism (book)
Diane Berke (ACIM)
One Spirit Learning Alliance (organization)
A Gentle Smile (book)
Marcus Borg (Christian)
Jesus and Buddha (book)
Diana Eck
The Pluralism Project at Harvard University (organization)
A New Religious America: How a “Christian Country” Has Become the World’s Most Religiously Diverse Nation (book)
Ted Falcon (Jewish)
Getting to the Heart of Interfaith (book)
Matthew Fox (Christian)
One River Many Wells (book)
Bede Griffith (Catholic/Hindu)
Thich Nhat Hahn (Buddhist)
Living Buddha Living Christ (book)
Order of Interbeing (organization)
Andrew Harvey
The Institute for Sacred Activism (organization)
The Hope (book)
Bud Heckman (Christian)
InterActive Faith (book)
Kabir Helminski (Sufi)
The Knowing Heart (book)
Kurt Johnson (Christian)
The Coming Interspiritual Age (book)
Convergence (organization)
Daisy Kahn (Islam)
WISE (organization)
WISE Up (book)
Valarie Kaur (Sikh)
Groundswell (organization)
Thomas Keating (Catholic)
Snowmass Conference (organization)
Contemplative Outreach (organization)
Loch Kelly (Buddhist)
Don Mackenzie (Catholic)
Getting to the Heart of Interfaith (book)
Brain Mclaren (Christian)
Convergence Leadership Project (organization)
The Great Spiritual Migration (book)
Thomas Merton (Christian)
Parker Palmer (Quaker)
Raimon Panikkar (Hindu/Christian)
The IntraReligious Dialogue (book)
Eboo Patel (Muslim)
Interfaith Youth Core (organization)
Interfaith Leadership (book)
Out of Many Faiths: Religious Diversity and the American Promise (book)
Rami Shapiro (Jewish)
One River (organization)
Perennial Wisdom for the Spiritually Independent (book)
Wisdom Bible (book)
Jamal Rahman (Islam)
Getting to the Heart of Interfaith (book)
Huston Smith
The World’s Religions (book)
Mirabai Starr
God of Love (book)
Wayne Teasdale (Catholic/Hindu)
The Mystic Heart (book)
Alan Watts (Zen/Christian)
Ken Wilber (philosopher)
Integral Spirituality (book)
Integral Life (organization)