The following list is a short collection of books, articles, and other resources on Beloved Community.
The Beloved Community: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Prescription for a Healthy Society, by Jeff Rittman, January 19, 2014
The Episcopal Church – Beloved Community Overview Materials
The Episcopal Church – Preparing to Become the Beloved Community Advent Materials
For Our White Friends Desiring to Be Allies, by Courtney Ariel with Sojourners, August, 16, 2017
How the Protestant Reformation Led to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Washington Post, October 31, 2017
The King Philosophy, The King Center
What do we mean when we say “Building the Beloved Community”?, by Carl Gregg, March 31, 2015
The Beloved Community: How faith shapes social justice, from the civil rights movement to today by Charles Marsh
Creating the Beloved Community by Jim Lockard
Jesus the Disinherited by Howard Thurman
Living into God’s Dream: Dismantling Racism in America by Catherine Meeks
Search for the Beloved Community: the Thinking of MLK by Kenneth Smith & Ira Zepp, Jr
Podcasts, videos & other media
The Rt. Rev. Rob Wright, Bishop of the Diocese of Atlanta, spoke to a gathering of Episcopal Clergy in ECMN in April of 2018. He provides grounding for the concept and practice of Beloved Community, and challenges all of us to move and grow into God’s Dream. Listen to the 3 part podcast here.
Beloved Community, Tara Brach, June 17, 2017
“Birth of a Nation” Speech, Martin Luther King, Jr on Beloved Community, April 7, 1957
Building the Beloved Community, Rev. Otis Moss III at Westminister Town Hall Forum, April 11, 2017
ECMN Video – “Beloved Community Means to Me…”
ECMN Video – “I’m Building the Beloved Community By…”
ECMN Video – “Let’s Move Forward in Building the Beloved Community Together so that…”
ECMN Video – “Unity”
Imagining a New America, Ta-Nehesi Coats with Krista Tippet, OnBeing, November 16, 2017
We are the Beloved Community, Rep. John Lewis with Krista Tippet, OnBeing, July 5, 2016