- Mysticism is a special consciousness of the presence of God that by definition exceeds description and results in a transformation
—Bernard McGinn
- Authentic mystical encounter radically changes us and our way of living
- experiential knowledge of spiritual things.
- is about connection not perfection.
- sees things in their wholeness, connection, and union, not only their particularity.
—Richard Rohr
- you are made both of and for contemplation.
- mysticism is variously described as an experience of Divine Presence that is accessible to us in the fully actualized depths of consciousness itself.
- spontaneous awe at the sacredness of life and
- the infused presence of Mystery in one’s inner depth.
- the intrinsic capacity of each self to touch and be touched by the Source—to know the Source through certitude too deep for words or images. [an intimate knowing, an embodied knowing, a cellular knowing]
- a universal and unifying view of the world.
- insights … that the entire cosmos is intersubjective—all beings are embedded in webs of relationship that are interconnected, interdependent, and constantly being co-created and reinvented. [#Interbeing]
- incorporate our relationships, and also our collective religious and spiritual inheritance, the whole of humanity, creation, and the cosmos.
- opening the heart to the Divine Presence in all realities.
- the power that un-forms and then reforms knowledge, love, and perception.
—Beverly Lanzetta, The Monk Within, 49-50.
- the Christian of the future will be a mystic or . . . will not exist at all.
- the mysticism of everyday life
- the unreserved love for another.
- results in a different theology of sanctity.
- the idea that we weave the fabric of our eternal lives out of our humdrum daily lives.
—Karl Rahner
- the mystic is not a special kind of person; each person is a special kind of mystic.
- mysticism is not something we achieve; it is something we receive.
—William McNamara
the spiritual encounter with a sacred mystery that cannot be put into words, and may be embodied through feelings, conscious awareness, experience, or intuition — and even through darkness or unknowing.
recognizes that spiritual reality cannot ever be fully comprehended by the limitations of human thought, language or logic.
- helps recover the presence of God in the world and in everyday life
- makes intelligible the personal experience with God
- unmasks false God experiences
- allows God’s presence to emerge where one might have overlooked or ignored it.
- transforms consciousness, and a transformed consciousness transforms life.
- invites us into hope, promise, and possibility.
- sharing the fruit of the Spirit with the world at large.
—Carl McColman
- the art of union with Reality.
—Evelyn Underhill
I lost myself. Forgot myself.
I lay my face against the Beloved’s face.
Everything fell away and I left myself behind,
Abandoning my cares
among the lilies, forgotten.
—St John of the Cross