also known as Laya Mantra, Long Chant, Long Ek Ong Kar, Morning Call
Also called Long Ek Ong Kar or Morning Call.
Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru
The Creator and the Creation are One.
This is our True Identity.
The ecstasy of the experience of this wisdom is beyond all words and brings indescribable bliss.
This mantra focuses on…
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This is called the Mantra of the Aquarian Age and it would enable us to raise our frequency to match the planetary transition in the new age. This mantra is chanted in its long-form every morning at the beginning of the Aquarian Sadhana. This mantra is also chanted and sung in many different melodies and rhythms.
This mantra is used in a variety of meditations. There are a few very specific ones:
Long Ek Ong Kar or Morning Call: This mantra, in the “Long Chant” form, is done at the beginning of the early morning Aquarian Sadhana. This has a 2 ½ breath cycle. Inhale deeply through the nose and chant ‘Ek Ong Kar.’ ‘Ek’ is chanted quickly, Ong is held until the breath is halfway through, and Kar is held for the remaining half of the breath. Inhale deeply through the nose a second time and chant ‘Sat Nam Siri’. Sat is chanted quickly and then Naam is chanted and held for the entire length of the breath, and just when there is no breath left, chant a quick ‘Siri.’ Then take a half breath and chant Wahe Guru with a short ‘Wa’ and then a long “He Guru.” This completes one 2 ½ breath cycle.
Laya Mantra: The rhythm used for the Laya Yoga mantra is very specific, with the navel pulled in at the end of each section. The “uh” identifies the sound that is produced from pulling the navel in at the end of each line.
Ek ong kar-(uh)
Sa ta na ma-(uh)
Siri wa-(uh) he guru
This extraordinary Laya Yoga chant brings the soul and destiny present. It suspends you above conflicts attracted by success and the activity of the Positive Mind. It lets your activity serve your purpose. It makes you creative and focused on your real priorities and helps you sacrifice what is needed to accomplish them.