Walking Meditation
Walking Meditation Jonathon Stalls, founder of Walk2Connect, writes about learning how “we share a common journey of wanting to love and be loved; that we want to feel safe, comfortable, and ...
Staying Grounded
Staying Grounded There are lists upon lists of things you can do to help the environment. You’ve read and perhaps tried many of them: reducing, reusing, recycling; walking, biking, or taking ...
Conversations with Nature
Conversations with Nature Although creation may be “wordless,” we can still dialogue with it as St. Francis did. Bill Plotkin suggests a practice of “talking across the species boundaries” in his ...
Prithvi Hai Akash Hai
The earth and the heavens are both equally important and they must be synchronized; just like the light and the dark. This mantra teaches that the dark and the light are ...