The more at peace we feel on the inside the less likely we are to be influenced by negative or toxic energy from our surroundings. Sometimes it’s hard to maintain a sense of peace in certain situations but learning a few basics about breathing can make all the difference. The most basic breathing technique is called the full yogic breath.

The Full Yogic Breath is the secret to getting centered—here, now, fast—and getting back to a more peaceful state of being. The yogic breath uses the full capacity of your lungs, clearing toxins and oxygenating the blood.

Before you try it, relax and place your hands on your torso to notice how your body moves when you breathe. When you inhale your body should expand. On the exhale, your belly should draw in. A good practice to encourage proper breathing is to think of your exhale as the first part of your breath. When you’ve exhaled completely, push your breath out just a little bit more by drawing your navel back toward your spine. Pushing your breath all the way out will automatically make your next inhalation deeper.

Now, on to the full yogic breath!

Exhale (completely). On your inhalation, contract your diaphragm muscle (located at the bottom of the lungs) and allow your belly to expand. Focus on pulling the breath down into the lowest part of your lungs. Gradually allow your ribs to flare to the sides as the breath fills the middle part of your lungs. Finally, allow the breath to fill your upper lungs as you feel your chest expand. Exhale in reverse, releasing air from the upper, then middle, then lower part of each lung. Push the breath out completely. Do all your breathing through your nose if possible. If you feel light-headed, stop. While practicing, imagine roots growing from your feet and reaching into the earth. Inhale, drawing the earth’s energy up and through your spine. Exhale, relaxing into your spine as your roots reach deep into the earth. Practicing outside under a tree is even better!
