A Religion of One's Own: A Guide to Creating a Personal Spirituality in a Secular World1
Finding Peace through Spiritual Practice: The Interfaith Amigos' Guide to Personal, Social and Environmental Healing1
Getting to the Heart of Interfaith: The Eye-Opening, Hope-Filled Friendship of a Pastor, a Rabbi & an Imam1
In My Own Way: An Autobiography1
Interactive Faith: The Essential Interreligious Community-Building Handbook1
Interfaith Leadership: A Primer1
Interreligious/Interfaith Studies: Defining a New Field1
Myth and Religion1
Religion Gone Astray: What We Found at the Heart of Interfaith1
The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are1
The Interfaith Prayer Book: New Expanded Edition1
The Intra-Religious Dialogue, Revised Edition1