Demonize is a unique verb that affects both the subject and object of a statement. This isn’t a claim of grammar; moreover, it is a claim of human relationships. When a person demonizes another person, it is an attack to remove the other person’s humanity (to make them a demon).
Perhaps this thought may be helpful to consider: In some languages HU means “divine essence”. Dehumanizing another person is an attempt to remove their HU (without HU a person does not have divine essence and the noun we have for that is demon). Demonizing (dehumanizing) is a form of violence and should not be our social norm. We can’t survive if we can’t relate.
Demonizing is dehumanizing and because we are all part of humanity, dehumanizing one person makes a claim about all of us; That we (collectively) are becoming less human. Thus, the person attempting to demonize another unconsciously demonizes themselves. This most often occurs from an unconscious state (a state where a person isn’t truly aware), and as a result, humanity further suffers from a declining collective consciousness. We cannot survive by relating to others in a fog of awareness and not realizing the broader impact. The broader impact, while it might feel like it is lifting to one, it’s detrimental to the whole.
Demonizing is a social cancer that manifests in many parts of the body of humanity. Each of us can benefit from conscious efforts not to demonize and to speak out when others do. Disagreement is healthy. Disagreement is part of human discernment and necessary so that human relationship can flourish. Nothing can flourish when it is diseased.
We have come together in the past to establish healthy conscious moral norms. Let’s come together on this issue to create a moral norm where demonizing is not acceptable; where disagreement is nonviolent; where our collective consciousness strengthens relationships; and where humanity flourishes. We inter-are. #Interbeing