Wednesday, September 25, 2024
A Contemplative Heart
The realization dawns that the deepest longing is to be grounded once again in the experience of communal presence with God, which has been transformative since childhood and deepened in monastic life. Initially, it seems impossible to fulfill these reawakened yearnings in the fast-paced world, so contrary to the carefully crafted contemplati…
Being part of a contemplative community doesn’t require living in a monastery. Instead, it’s about intentionally embracing a shared rhythm of life, wherever you are. This modern approach allows us to integrate contemplative practices into our daily routines, fostering spiritual growth and connection while remaining engaged in the world. It offers a way to experience the richness of monastic traditions without withdrawing from society. By adopting this rhythm, we create a “monastery without walls,” nurturing our inner lives through contemplation while actively participating in our communities and relationships. To explore this concept further and discover how you can incorporate these practices into your life, we invite you to read Contemplative Interbeing’s Rhythm of Life.
Click Here – Become Part of the Contemplative Community
Select One Spiritual Nugget to Inspire Your Day
Daily Blessing
Prayer Request
Spiritual Practice of the Day
Video – Alan Watts For When You’re Ready To Open Your Mind
Song – Psalm 23 (You’re Not Alone)