Ra Ma Da Sa
also known as Siri Gaitri Mantra This mantra taps into the energies of the sun, moon, earth, and the Infinite Spirit to bring deep healing. It can be chanted to heal ...
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
also known as The Complete Adi Mantra This mantra tunes us into the total spiritual knowledge of all teachers who have ever existed or who will ever exist on this Earth. ...
Seven Part Body Prayer
Andrew Harvey shares in this video in these seven postures the path to becoming a Divine Human not only becomes embodied, but also enshrined. Each posture represents a step and stage ...
The Frozen Call – Ancient Nordic Chant
This is a song I created with inspiration from the call “Into the unknown” in Frozen 2 , with ancient herding-call “kulning” and the old viking instrument “Bukkehorn” which I now ...
Rest in Stillness
Join acclaimed mystics scholar and final CONSPIRE presenter Mirabai Starr in this 11-minute practice to rest in stillness from the CONSPIRE 2018 conference. By holding our inhale, we can reconnect with ...
Ice Bath
Everyones talking about sharing morning routines. So, here you got one! 😉 A refreshing ice bath/swim. Wouldn’t you all agree that this is the best way starting off the day? No ...
Open and Receive
Marcus Borg demonstrates a form of body prayer in this excerpt from the video and internet-based series “Living the Questions: An Introduction to Progressive Christianity.”
How to Pass The Peace Without Touching
In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) we have developed an alternative way to Pass the Peace without making physical contact – and while maintaining good “social distance.” This is a gesture ...
Darshan and Namaste
Darshan and Namaste In the Hindu tradition, darshan (or darsana) is to behold the Divine and to allow yourself to be fully seen. Many Hindus visit temples not to see God, but to let God gaze ...
The Order of Julian of Norwich
The 14th century Christian mystic, Julian of Norwich, once wrote, “The fruit and the purpose of prayer is to be ‘oned’ with and like God in all things.” This body prayer ...
Contemplative Prayer
Contemplative Prayer As we’ve explored this week, any human perfection simply reflects God’s holiness. Receiving such goodness comes through grace; it cannot be achieved. But we can be honest and humble, ...
Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation If we understand Jesus’ command to “be merciful” rather than to “be perfect,” we must find some way to regularly practice and participate in the mutual exchange of ...
Shadow Work
Shadow Work There are many ways to do shadow work—the work of seeing and integrating your hidden and denied self. For example, your subconscious appears in images and stories as you ...