A miscellany of freedom. Today, most of us try to find personal and individual freedom even as we remain inside of structural boxes and a system of consumption that we are ...

Creating the New Moral Norm
“When mores are sufficient, laws are unnecessary; when mores are insufficient, laws are unenforceable.” ― Émile Durkheim As a interfaith/interspiritual minister and organizational psychologist, I often consider the overlapping schemas of ...
What do we mean by prayer?
What do we mean by prayer? We tend to think of it as something we do, but it is much more something we are. Prayer is less about saying prayers and ...

Aspects of Interbeing
The insight of inter-being will help remove discrimination, fear, and the dualistic way of thinking. We inter-are — even suffering and happiness inter-are — and that is why the insight of ...
Folly of the Social Mirror
When man found the mirror, he began to lose his soul (Emile Durkheim). When the social mirror becomes the fundamental source of self-esteem, integrity and leadership deteriorate. A person cannot do ...

Stop Demonizing
Demonize is a unique verb that affects both the subject and object of a statement. This isn’t a claim of grammar; moreover, it is a claim of human relationships. When a ...
Wholeness is not Perfection
Parker Palmer writes “Wholeness does not mean perfection: it means embracing brokenness as an integral part of life. ….wholeness need not be a utopian dream… we can use ...
How do you experience God?
God? Remember the only language available to religion is metaphor. There is no other way to attempt to describe the ineffable, the mysterious, the more. The word God can create negative ...
The Sacred Circle
Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows. ~ Native American Proverb The circle represents that which has no beginning and ...
Paul In less than 10 years, he entered into Asia Minor (what is now Turkey) and Greece and created deeply spiritual communities. He helped people who lived in a debouched enslaved ...

Beloved Community
My engagement in the world is fueled by a vision of beloved community. A society who appreciates that people possess an abundance of creativity, talent, initiative, energy, and resourcefulness to serve ...
Transcendent Gift
We are offered a gift that transcends raptures, believing, and afterlife. Moreover, the gift is an invitation to an extraordinary community here on earth; to participate with the divine–‘God without us ...

Contemplative Interbeing for Nonviolent Activists
Interbeing is a state of deep connectedness, a recognition that we are connected to all other beings, connected to the depths of our Beingness, and the ground of Being. When our ...