What do we mean by prayer?

What do we mean by prayer? We tend to think of it as something we do, but it is much more something we are. Prayer is less about saying prayers and more about becoming a prayer. Prayer is looking out from a different set of eyes, which are not comparing, competing, judging, labeling, and analyzing, but receiving the moment in

Anglican Prayer Beads

Praying with beads is an ancient spiritual practice, finding a home in many spiritual traditions. It is a practice that integrates our body, mind and spirit in intentional prayer, helping focus our minds on prayer by adopting a bodily practice, and connecting us with all creation. The Anglican Rosary adapts this ancient tradition and makes it distinctively Anglican – from

Scripture Index – 2017 CAC Daily Meditations

The Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) publishes daily meditations written by Father Richard Rohr and his guest. You can subscribe here. The meditations continue to grow as a source for spiritual and scriptural nourishment. Contemplative Interbeing is likewise nourished by the wisdom sharing from Fr. Rohr and CAC. We are taking time to create a scripture index to aid

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is an intimate one-on-one conversation to discover and support your soulful and spiritual aspirations. It differs from therapy in that you are encouraged to seek guidance from your Higher Self or inner divine wisdom. In the relationship of spiritual direction, the goal is to help the client become more aware of the presence and activity of Spirit/Divine/God in

A Brief Description of Spiritual Intelligence

Spiritual intelligence is the intelligence we use to create, discover, and encounter meaning, purpose, and values in our lives. Spiritual intelligence is supported by neuroscience and psychology; it is our unitive intelligence that helps us connect intellect, reasoning, decision making, problem solving, emotions, and relations in order to support our individual unique purpose. It provides the ability to reframe and

Seven Paths of Spiritual Practice

1. Coming into presence The Means: conscious breath The Result: owning time, “seeing” The Quality Attained: being The Positive Ideals : huzur, spontaneity, ibn al waqt, taqwa, self-awareness Presence is the activation of an inclusive awareness that is simultaneously receptive on all levels, in all directions, witnessing time rather than being coerced by it. Presence is the soul in command. Presence is the realization of the context

The Sacred Circle

Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows. ~ Native American Proverb The circle represents that which has no beginning and no end, it is eternal, and the alpha and the omega point are indistinguishable. Sitting in a circle each heart is held inside the sacred eternal. This sacred eternal

Misunderstood Traditions

Below is information about some of the lesser appreciated or misunderstood traditions to help you learn more. (click Title to expand)                


Understanding the ancient Hawaiian practice of Forgiveness By Jonathan Davis Ho’oponopono can help restore harmony within, and with others When I first encountered the practice known as Ho’oponopono, it was in an interview with Haleaka Hew Len PhD, a Hawaiian psychologist and shamanic practitioner. I took on the simple yet profound forgiveness practice and found immediate benefits in my personal

The Interspiritual Revolution

How the Occupy Generation Is Re-Envisioning Spirituality “We must all achieve our identity on the basis of a radical authenticity… [for] it is only in the real world of the person – neither singular nor plural – that the crucial factors influencing the course of the universe are at work.” – Raimundo Panikkar, “The Silence of God,” Introduction p. xviii There can be little doubt that traditional religious

Interspirituality and the Nine Elements of a Universal Spirituality

Wayne Teasdale writes: Spirituality, in its interspiritual manifestation, is a vision of the spiritual life nourished by other schools of spirituality, mysticism, and contemplation, integrated with a person’s own tradition, if indeed the person is fortunate enough to have one. Interspirituality in this sense represents a spaciousness of being in the conduct of spiritual life, in the human search called

The Welcoming Prayer

Practice: The Welcoming Prayer I’d like to offer you a form of contemplation—a practice of accepting paradox and holding the tension of contradictions—called The Welcoming Prayer. First, identify a hurt or an offense in your life. Remember the feelings you first experienced with this hurt and feel them the way you first felt them. Notice how this shows up in


CHAPTER 13 THICH NHAT HANH Thich Nhat Hanh (1926 – ) was born and raised in Vietnam. As a young man, he became a Buddhist monk. When Vietnam was gripped by civil war, he remained neutral. Although he did not support the North Vietnamese effort to reunify the nation by force, he was deeply involved in protests against the South


Contemplative Interbeing is an experiential education organization that provides opportunities to develop a worldview using a contemplative lens. Contemplation is an alternative way of thinking which is called, by many: both-and thinking, third eye thinking, third way thinking, or non-dual thinking. Contemplation is a different consciousness we call contemplative mind. What is Contemplation? Contemplation itself is experiential; therefore, describing it with


Contemplative Interbeing is an educational nonprofit supporting the journey of inner transformation grounded in contemplative and integral spirituality. Our Vision Human consciousness transformed to higher, wider, and deeper ways of being, embodied in self, shared in community, and connected to the planet. Our Mission To create and honor transformative encounters of human consciousness, freeing people to be instruments of healing