Jesus as Shaman

As followers of Jesus Christ, the idea that he could be viewed as a Galilean shaman gives us a fresh perspective on the miraculous aspects of his ministry. We have often struggled to fully embrace the mysterious and supernatural elements of his life and teachings, perhaps dismissing them as symbolic or trying to explain them away through rational means. But

The Sign of Jonah

As we walked the spiritual path, the story of Jonah being swallowed by the great whale spoke deeply to our souls. At first, it may have seemed like a simple children’s tale, but the more we contemplated its vivid imagery and symbolism, the more profound truths it revealed. We recognized that, like Jonah, we had been running from our own

Embodying Radical Love

We can no longer deny the tragic absurdity that permeates our world and our lives. Injustice, oppression, violence, and the immense suffering they cause – this harsh reality hits us squarely in the face if we allow ourselves to truly see it. Our initial reaction is one of rage, of deserved anger. How could such cruelty and depravity exist? We

Sacred Texts Reimagined

We have been on a long journey of grappling with scripture and how to approach the sacred texts that have been so central to our spiritual traditions. For many of us, the scriptures have been a source of deep pain and wounding. We have seen them wielded as weapons to marginalize, oppress, and silence the voices of those on the

Messy, Marvelous Myths

Our personal stories hold the key to truly knowing ourselves, understanding our fellow humans, and even glimpsing the divine. The narratives we construct about God, society, and our own selves form the inner GPS that guides us through this life’s journey. However, the major upheavals and losses we inevitably face can shatter our existing stories, painfully stripping away our illusions

The Cosmic Egg

We realize that for too long, our understanding of spirituality and life has been constrained by a single narrative – “The Story” that our particular religion or culture has handed down. While connecting to the transcendent and eternal truths in this overarching spiritual story, we have often neglected the other vital domains of meaning. We have ignored the personal journeys

Telling and Hearing the Healing Story

As we journey through this life, exploring and sharing our sacred stories becomes a profound contemplative act. By delving into the depths of our experiences – the traumas that have wounded us, the gifts that beckon us forth, the callings that stir our souls – we integrate the various aspects of our selfhood. We come to a deeper self-knowledge and

Centering Prayer

As we embark on this contemplative journey of Centering Prayer, we open ourselves to an intimate relationship with the Divine Presence. This is not merely an exercise of the mind, but a consent of our entire being to rest in God. We begin by carefully choosing a sacred word – a word imbued with meaning by our very intention to

Inner Stillness

We recognize that silence and solitude are among the most profound spiritual practices available to us on this journey. The desert mystics of early Christianity modeled for us a radical embrace of these practices through the Prayer of the Heart, the Jesus Prayer, and a life of peaceful solitude. Their example awakens in us a longing to experience that same

Daily Blessing

Jan 5, 2024 May your journey unfold with purpose, ​ ​ illuminating the unique thread you weave ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ within creation’s vast canvas. ​ Embrace your role as a steward of this cosmic design, ​ ​ bestowing blessings and wisdom through your singular path. ​ May your steps resonate with purpose, ​ ​ guiding the universe toward

The all of human experience

In the realm where action meets contemplation, Not separate, but entwined, an interplay unfolds, Compassion in motion and serenity in reflection, For in this fusion lies the crux of spiritual odyssey. Devoid of action, spirituality stands barren, A hollow vessel, devoid of authentic essence, Yet, action devoid of contemplation births ego’s cloak, Masking goodwill, fostering unintended harm. Action interwoven with

Daily Blessing (Dec 2023)

Dec 31, 2023 May the depth of our longing ​ ​ bring us together in a silent unity, ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ where our souls intertwine as one entity, ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ beyond the confines of speech. ​ Within the hush, ​ ​ let us honor the sanctity of silence, ​ ​ ​ ​

Unity Center for Ethical Service (sample)

🌟 Join Us at the Unity Center for Ethical Service! 🌟 At Contemplative Interbeing, we’re committed to nurturing transformation through contemplative and integral spirituality. We’re thrilled to introduce our newest venture—the Unity Center for Ethical Service, where transformation meets compassionate action. 🧘‍♂️ Contemplative Connection: Embrace contemplative practices that deepen self-awareness and foster inner transformation. Our center offers workshops, meditative sessions,

Awe’s embrace

In reverence’s return, wisdom revives, Worlds unfurl as veils in a divine play, Wonder, the pulse of spirituality, theology’s core. Awe, an ethereal sense, Unveils hints of the divine, We stand humbled, awestruck, Before the enigmatic world’s mystery, Bathed in wonder’s glow, Enraptured by Being’s dance. In awe’s embrace, wisdom births, Infinite meanings within finite frames, An intuition for the

Mirroring unveils truth

Contemplation unveils the art of seeing, a journey into the depths of perception, where wonder becomes the cornerstone, the bedrock of our spiritual quest. Moses, struck by awe’s lightning, stands on ground made sacred, where shoes shed and earth pulses divinity, Being Itself in every grain of soil. Early contemplation, an excavation, an unearthing of the unconscious, of expectations and